Steps For the House Closing Process
March 4, 2022

Closing is a lengthy procedure that must be completed before you can move into your new home, so be patient. Setting expectations and making the transition easier by knowing what you may expect when you buy a house is a good way to prepare yourself for what to expect. It can also assist you with organizing your belongings, finding a moving company, and transferring your utility services.

Do you know the numerous stages and how long it takes to close a house? Here are the essentials.

In how many days does a house close?

Closing for a home currently takes between 30 and 60 days.

Things that influence the closing speed

The time taken for closing on a home depends on various things. Here are a few of the more notable.

Cash vs. loan

Getting mortgage delays the process of closing on a home, as you might imagine. This is because you must consider the approval and evaluation processes for loans.

Type of mortgage

Conventional loans close faster than government loans. This is because government-backed loans require additional qualification stages before they can be accepted.

Market conditions

In a busy market, the closing period may be extended.


Refinancing a mortgage typically takes longer to close than a new one.

Home inspection results

If the house inspection results don’t meet your expectations, you may have to return to the initial plan and revise your offer or make repairs and wait for them to be done.

The stages of the closing process

Once an offer is accepted, you’ll want to know what happens next to better appreciate why it takes so long to close on a house.


Your offer will be rejected if you don’t have a plan for finance in place. Get pre-approved and pre-underwritten for a loan as soon as possible so that you may save a lot of unnecessary procedures in the loan application process.

Title search

A title search guarantees that the opposite party can sell the place legally. In addition, it informs you if liens or another claim is hampering the sale.

Home appraisal

Non-cash house acquisitions necessitate a home appraisal, which tells the bank how much the property is worth. If the appraisal does not meet your expectations, you may well not be able to obtain a loan large enough to complete the transaction, which might cause the process to be delayed indefinitely.

Home inspection

Before you seal the deal on a home, you’ll need a professional home inspector to conduct a thorough inspection. There are many things that an inspector will look at during a home inspection. These can be anything from the roof and foundation to the plumbing and electrical systems.


Closing day is your final obstacle to overcome. Your transaction shouldn’t be jeopardized by anything substantial. If all goes according to plan, you should plan to spend between one and two hours on closure day. The signing of paperwork and receiving of your keys should be completed in this time frame.